What is Media Relations? [And How to Do It Right]

By Alex Mikhail — Communications Strategist

Early in your PR career, you may have asked, “What is media relations, and why does it matter?” Whether you’re a seasoned veteran now or a business leader considering media relations as a strategy, the landscape is ever-evolving. And we can all use a refresher course now and then. In short, media relations is an essential function of public relations, where the main goal is to educate the media to report on a company’s objectives, accomplishments or other “news.” This “other” might involve another company or a person, and the outcome can be about anything notable or newsworthy.

A successful media relations effort always begins with the development of strong, outcome-producing relationships with media outlets, producers, assignment editors, print/online journalists, influencers and more.

Why Media Relations is Important

Media relations allows brands to break through the clutter by establishing credibility and trust with their audiences.

For example, company executives can be interviewed about a significant accomplishment or update, how they plan to achieve their goals and how this information will impact consumers or the public.

What is Earned Media?

Coverage secured through a traditional “pitch and place” outreach strategy is referred to as “earned media,” which does not involve advertising, paying for the story or another form of publicity.

Earned media is valuable because it holds more credibility than paid media. It requires reporters to understand which part(s) of a company’s news is “story-worthy” and relevant for their audience—without a financial incentive.

Benefits of Earned Media:

  • Increases brand visibility and trust
  • Positive media coverage enhances brand image
  • Helps build strong media relationships
  • Generates traffic and increases engagement

Tips for Conducting a Successful Media Relations Program:

To earn attention and build trust with the press, creating and implementing a targeted media relations strategy is paramount. Here are four tips to get started:

1. Build and Maintain Genuine Relationships with the Media

Successful media relations programs require exactly what you might think — building trustworthy relationships with media. This is critical, as they can be leveraged to secure more (and sometimes better) coverage opportunities in the future.

Establish a Genuine Connection:

As with any close relationship, establishing a genuine connection with assignment editors, planners and producers is key, rather than simply framing “What do I get out of this?” as the sole priority. Remember, this is a mutually beneficial relationship, so take time to engage in conversation that fosters a personal relationship. It could be through a shared hobby, how you both spend time on weekends, etc. Just try to avoid personal or touchy subjects, such as politics.

Maintain the Relationship:

Once you get to know a member of the media, make sure to maintain that relationship over time. Connect with them on social media and do not be afraid to reach out semi-regularly to see how they are doing. Not all correspondence should be about pitching a story.

2. Develop a Tailored Pitch

Do Your Research:

Successful pitching requires media relations professionals to do their research. Specifically, research the right journalists for each pitch.  Their inboxes are inundated with story ideas every day, so do not waste their time. Approach them with news that is considered relevant within the parameters of their particular beat or interests.

Be Specific:

Regardless of focus, journalists want to tell stories that reach the widest audience possible. They tend to focus on stories that contain some combination of specific themes that are already part of the collective conversation. Those themes often include timeliness, impact, human interest or conflict. Media will not be interested in pitches that do not touch on at least one of these common themes.

3. Structure the Pitch Correctly

Nail the Hook:

Since an email subject line represents your first impression to the recipient, it is essential to nail it! Clarity and brevity make subject lines effective.

Consider including a compelling hook, in the form of a thought-provoking question or a striking statistic, to capture their attention from the outset.

The Five W’s:

Place the most critical information at the start of a pitch—any details you want the journalist to retain should be front and center.

As for the pitch itself, remember to address the Five W’s— “Who, What, When, Where and Why.” Each should be covered in a way that grabs journalists’ interest.

4. Understand the Target Audience

When pitching, understand what type of audience(s) they want to reach. Once the target audience is determined, confirm where they go to find news that interests them.

For example, if a pharmaceutical manufacturer wants consumers to know they have developed a new drug, consider pitching pharmaceutical industry publications, health and wellness outlets, health reporters and broadcast media that run special health segments.

Bottom Line: What is Media Relations?

A strategic media relations program is the cornerstone of a successful public relations strategy. When companies cultivate strong media relationships, important doors open for them to amplify their messages, build credibility and navigate the complexities of public perception more adeptly. Additionally, providing media coaching utilizing these best media training tips will ensure your client’s message is consistent and lands the right audience.

The evolving digital media landscape provides opportunities to engage directly with audiences, making it crucial to adapt and innovate. By embracing these principles, media relations professionals will be empowered to share compelling stories and shape the narratives that define them.

To learn more about media relations in a customized session for your team or your media spokesperson, call us at  (858) 886-7900 or email info@wrightoncomm.com.

Best Media Training Tips

By Julie Wright —President

Twitter: @juliewright

Here is a list of our four best media training tips for client partners stepping into the media spotlight. We picked these four tips to set you up for success by preparing for the interview, keeping your head during it and building the media relationship following it. Think of it as a four-step process for media relations success.

Tip 1: Screen the Opportunity

When you see a media interview go bad like this British interview with Quentin Tarantino, the culprit is typically a lack of preparation combined with an unrealistic expectation as to how the interview was supposed to go. When things don’t go as we expect, some of us—like Tarantino—will lose our cool (which makes great, if cringe-worthy, television for the rest of us).

Screening requires basic fact finding to ensure the opportunity is a good fit for you and that you prepare appropriately.

(W)right On Communications’ best media training tips start with reviewing the outlet’s and writer’s past coverage. Is the media outlet and opportunity a good fit for your business and its goals? Is it a top-tier media outlet or a smaller and scrappier blog? Does the reporter have an agenda, a partisan viewpoint or an axe to grind?

A blogger seeking clicks has a different goal than a long-form feature writer or a local TV news reporter needing video for broadcast, online and social promotion. Print and online journalists will often want video to accompany their stories as well.

Find out who else the reporter is interviewing for the story. Are you one of many voices or are you the only person speaking to your side of an issue? They may or may not tell you who else they’re interviewing, but it will certainly help you better prepare if you can find out.

If you’re not clear what it is that the reporter wants from you for their story, ask for more details or clarity. If their explanation doesn’t make sense to you, it is okay and often safer to politely decline.

If this is an opportunity you are interested in, get the reporter’s deadline and commit to the interview well before that time. I have seen clients hold out until the last second and, as a result, miss the opportunity to have their quote or information included. The reporter wants to complete all interviews as early as possible so that they can write the story. The longer you wait to provide a comment, the higher the likelihood others will shape the story and your quote will be placed at the very end of the article, if it gets included at all.

Tip 2: Prepare for the Opportunity

Prepare by drafting or reviewing your key messages and talking points. If you don’t have these already, start by narrowing down the main points you’d want to communicate. Pick your top three. Practice them in front of a mirror or with a friend.

If you expect challenging questions during your interview, brainstorm all of the worst rude questions you might be asked and practice your responses to them. That way, when the nasty question arises, you’ll be relaxed and can respond without losing your cool. This is very important if you’re on camera!

If this is a video interview, think about your appearance and the setting. Do you need your facility cleaned or your office uncluttered? Is there anything on your desk that might be confidential? Show up looking your best and avoid unnecessary visual distractions. You don’t want to be caught on camera like Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin on a turkey farm.

Tip 3: Interview Smart With Your ABCD’s

After screening and preparation, it’s go time. Even if it’s an outlet that you expect to be challenging, you can still get a great win if you keep you head.

During the interview, remember your ABCD’s:

  • Acknowledge the question: “I’m glad that you asked that.” Or “I get asked that question a lot.”
  • Bridge to your key message: “That’s a great question that I hear often, but what’s really important to people is …” or “… but what our customers ask most is …” These phrases help you move from the interviewer’s questions to your key messages. More examples: “Let me answer that question by putting it into context…” “Let’s talk about something I’m even more familiar with…” “Well the quick answer is no, but it’s important to understand that…”
  • Conclude with proof points: “… we know that because we did a customer survey and 95% said…” These proof points support your key messages and are essential to build your credibility with the interviewer and their audiences.
  • Dangle the next topic if you’re feeling lucky: “… and it’s dang cool software design” or “… and that discovery leads to a really surprising new problem to solve.”

Our best media training tips during the interview also include:

  • Be brief. The less you say, the more poignant and quotable your points are. It lets the interviewer be engaged so they can ask questions and leaves them wanting more. It’s easy to drone on, especially when a reporter is interviewing you by phone and taking notes. Just because the reporter hasn’t asked another question, doesn’t mean you need to fill the void with ramblings. Make your point and wait for the next question.
  • Avoid negatives or charged words. A “problem” is a “challenge.” You don’t “hate” something, you “prefer its alternative.” It wasn’t a “failure” but a “learning opportunity.” Recent media research shows that the media don’t have a political bias. They have a bias for ‘negative’. Conflict sells. When everything is going smoothly and harmoniously, there’s no news.
  • The mic is always on. Remember during your interview that nothing is off the record and the camera is always rolling. What you say before or after the interview can be picked up by a hot mic. Our best media training tips include not saying anything you don’t want to see all over the Internet.
  • Bring the energy. Be conscious of your energy level and body language. Your nonverbal communication can say more than your words. Voice, gestures, posture, eye contact–pay attention to how you deliver your messages and not just their content. Avoid eye rolls or big sighs. And if it’s an on-camera interview, dress for the part.

Tip 4: Follow Up

Correct any inaccurate statements or provide more follow-up to clarify content from the interview. This could include emailing a full study, images and other links to the reporter. If you have an agency or PR department, they will often take care of these loose ends.

You should debrief on the final published story or broadcast to look for opportunities to improve for next time.

We have many other do’s and don’ts among our best media interview tips, and this article is not intended as a replacement for a full, customized media training session. Typically, we include on-camera practice based on our client partner’s industry, their organization’s needs and their comfort level in the media hot seat. We’ll also offer a refresher the day or hours prior to a big interview!

To learn more about getting our best media training tips in a customized session for your team or your media spokesperson, please contact us at (W)right On Communications. Call (858) 886-7900 or email info@wrightoncomm.com.

Three Surprising B2B PR Tips to Secure Media Attention

By Chancelor Shay —Director, B2B & Infrastructure Development
Twitter: @chanceshay

If you’re not on the cutting edge of artificial intelligence-controlled robotics or have the fastest supercomputer in the world, it’s probably hard to get journalists and media outlets charged up to talk about your B2B brand. Brands that struggle with this typically fall into the trap of believing every editor is interested in their niche position in the B2B world and talk (or type) ad nauseam about what it is they do.

Nobody cares.

Even if it’s a trade publication and the writer covers your vertical, they still don’t care.

What they do care about is writing cool stories their readers will dig and doing their job well. Your PR success depends on your ability to help them achieve that goal.

Here are three counterintuitive steps to secure more coverage while wasting less time.

The best stories aren’t about your brand

Most media outlets don’t like to dedicate an entire piece to one vendor. They’re job is to tell stories that will be as interesting as possible to the greatest number of readers. Unless your brand is already a household name, this means that the most impactful story pitch will tell your customer’s story. The outlet’s readers can relate to your customer because they are just like them. A story about how your customer did something awesome (and how you played a role in it) stands a better chance at being picked up than raving about how innovative your product/service is or its features and benefits.

Don’t talk about your product/service

If you’re proud or excited about what your company does, go tell your mother. If a journalist was already interested in your brand, they’d already have reached out to you instead of being on the receiving end of your pitch. Instead, develop a pitch to address what your customers (a.k.a. the outlet’s readers) are dealing with. Speak in terms of their pain points. The odds are that that your company isn’t nearly as cool as the ecosystem in which you operate. So, bring in as many different perspectives and folds to the story as you can so that the reporter or writer can envision an engaging story with a story arc that shares real-world challenges and not just free publicity for your brand.

Be the oil can, not a squeaky wheel

Any PR pro will tell you that if you ask 10 different journalists how they like to be pitched, you’ll get 10 different answers. However, one thing is for sure – PR pros’ jobs are to make the journalist’s job easier. This means helping the journalist write about something they’re interested in covering rather than trying to convince them that they should write about something interesting to your brand. Do you want to be the kid crying on the playground for attention or do you want to be the kid who brought the Pokémon cards to recess? When you approach pitching the media from a service mindset and ask yourself, “how can what I or my client know help them reach their goals” (see tip #1), you’ll become a resource to reporters. You’ll have to start by reaching out to the writer and in two sentences summarizing their recent coverage and writing style (to validate you know who they are and what they do) and then offer up a C-Suite executive in your company who has a reputation and can help the writer make sense of topics they’re interested in. After they use your spokesperson for the first time, then you can start pitching them your own story ideas.

If you think you’re ready for the big leagues, check out our post on How to Earn Media Coverage in Major News Outlets.

SUBSCRIBE: Get our quick, timely communications ideas and insights each month.

(W)right On Communications won a Silver Bulldog Award for Best B2B Product Launch for our work on this campaign. Read the full case study written by the Bulldog Reporter for in-depth tips.

How to Earn Media Coverage in Major News Outlets

Earn media coverage in major news outlets

The Wall Street Journal is the world’s most influential business news outlet. For subscribers of our agency newsletter, The Strategist, we recently put together this helpful infographic on how to earn media coverage in major news outlets like The Wall Street Journal.

It outlines 12 steps to catch the WSJ’s attention for your business, nonprofit or client. These steps can be followed to earn media coverage in any major news outlet:

This approach is how we earned coverage in the WSJ for our client, EVS, as well as a retweet by Arianna Huffington to her 3 million Twitter followers and an inquiry from a Fortune 500 technology partner. Such is the power of The Wall Street Journal.

SUBSCRIBE: Get our quick, timely communications ideas and insights each month.

(W)right On Communications won a Silver Bulldog Award for Best B2B Product Launch for our work on this campaign. Read the full case study written by the Bulldog Reporter for in-depth tips.

PR Best Practices Can Restore Public Trust in the Post-Truth Era

By Julie Wright —President
Twitter: @juliewright

It is not business as usual in the media industry.

Some say we’re in a post-truth era. One thing is for sure: the role and honesty of spokespeople, the press and state-sponsored fake news has us all talking. And, it turns out, this controversy has had an enormous impact on public trust.

Trust levels in the U.S. and around the world are measured by the Edelman Trust Barometer. This annual report provides an in-depth analysis of trust in the U.S. breaking it down by trust in the media, CEOs, businesses, experts, NGOs and more. This year, the Edelman Trust Barometer showed a crisis in trust in America. The deep plunge recorded year over year was akin to a stock market crash.

It found that  63 percent of the U.S. general population struggles to distinguish between what is real news and what is fake. Trust in U.S.-based companies dropped from 55 to 50 percent continuing a decline that began in 2014. Trust in NGOs fell from 58 to 49 percent.

This is the environment in which public relations professionals, their employers and clients are communicating. Information from most sources is greeted with skepticism or outright disbelief by the public.

So, here we are. The scarcest commodity in the U.S. today is trust.

Last week, I interviewed Lynn Walsh, project manager of the Trusting News project to find out how the media is working to restore trust with its readers, viewers and listeners. This week, I’m asking how PR pros can work to restore trust with the public?

The answer is to stick to PR best practices and good media relations fundamentals and to recommit ourselves to the crucial role that public relations best practices play in building and restoring trust.

Let’s Refresh on Media Relations’ Primary Goals

Media relations strategies typically start with two high-level goals in mind.

The first is to raise awareness of a brand’s story and messages with its target audiences through well-placed articles, features and other media mentions.

Since earned media cannot be bought, unlike paid media (advertising), it is more credible—with the public and with Google too. Have you noticed that news articles in major media outlets have a much higher search engine ranking? That’s because the websites that they’re published on have a much higher search engine authority, so Google ranks them higher. (This can cut both ways: it’s awesome when the news in such links is great, and terrible when it’s bad.)

The second goal is to influence perceptions and preserve or build an organization’s reputation.

This starts with ensuring media coverage is accurate and fair. It continues with proactive strategies to communicate a brand’s excellent financial performance, corporate social responsibility program, product innovation or corporate culture.

As brand storytellers, the PR team is approaching these communications as an ongoing process or narrative and not as a one-off event or announcement.

When both of these goals are achieved, the news stories topping your brand’s Google search results are the stories you’re most proud of and not the cringe-worthy ones. Plus, you maintain your organization’s trust with its stakeholders (customers, employees, constituents, vendors, partners, patients, donors—whoever you need to keep onside in order to operate effectively).

In short, PR’s first goal is to get you into the media spotlight and its second goal is to ensure, once you’re there, that you’re lit to show your best side so that your audience applauds, or at least understands, your behaviors and decisions versus throwing tomatoes at you.

Along the way, we apply media relations best practices: knowing what’s newsworthy, building good media relationships and being authentic, timely, accurate and transparent.

Truth and Accuracy are PR Best Practices

We are also ethical. Most PR professionals are members of the Public Relations Society of America. As such, we are expected to uphold the society’s professional code of ethics (PDF). This means that we are advocates for our clients and respect their confidential or privileged information, while also being honest, accurate and truthful in our representations to the public. We take responsibility for the authenticity of the information we represent in our communications and outreach.

It’s not an easy task. Public relations is consistently ranked as one of the top 10 most stressful jobs in America, and it’s not a thankful task to be the media spokesperson when the chips are down or the heat is on. (That’s one big reason why so many of us appreciate our thankful clients and employers so much.)

But, here’s the point of this refresher. Ethical PR that follows PR best practices like transparency, accuracy, authenticity and timely communication is what builds trust.

And trust matters. It has an ROI. There’s even a name for it: brand equity. When brands and people are trusted, they’re valued. When things go wrong, trusted people and brands get the benefit of the doubt. When you look these benefits, an investment in PR best practices makes incredibly good sense.

If this resonates with you as either a PR pro or someone who can influence a company’s PR strategy, I encourage you to fight for PR best practices, to remember that PR is not happy talk and spin. It is also tough talk and the hard work and soul searching that sometimes come when tough conversations are required with your stakeholders.

Remind your colleagues in the C-suite and at the board room table that when they hold strategic communications to the same high standard as you do, the public will hold your brand in higher regard. And when your brand consistently communicates with transparency and truthfulness, you’ll earn the public’s trust. Trusted brands have higher valuations because trust is a precious commodity. So, stand up for standards and stand up for trust.


No Shortcuts to PR Glory, Then or Now

By Julie Wright—President and Founder

Twitter: @JulieWright

How PR Worked Before the Internet…

I started out in PR before the Internet or email. It was the era of fax machines, the Yellow Pages and 400-page media directories that you combed through to research and build your media lists. There were few shortcuts on the way to mastering your PR skills, but in some ways, all of today’s technology and automation tools might actually be shortchanging entry-level PR people and getting in the way of developing PR fundamentals.

Back in the day, once you had your list built, you then had to call each reporter until they picked up the phone and then use your verbal skills to hold their attention more than eight seconds to pitch your story. Those calls helped you develop a thick skin, fast. That real-time feedback taught you which approaches worked or didn’t.

Unfortunately, in today’s email environment, you’ll never really know what they loved or hated about your pitch. (Unless you follow @smugjourno or @DearPR to monitor Tweets from journalists losing their s*** after being addressed with the wrong name for the 10th time in one day, sent another off-topic pitch, distastefully news-jacked or sent a 120 mb attachment.)

In the pre-email era, entry-level PR pros had to work the phones but that process made us better, faster.

We had another tool beside the phone. It was called the fax machine. Part of paying your dues was standing over one feeding it hard-copy press releases with your fingers crossed, hoping to hear the modem answer. (If you don’t know what a modem sounds like, it’s kinda like a DubStep drop.) That sound let you know that your brilliant press release was transmitting.


If you were sending a fax to a busy newsroom, you could often expect repeated busy signals and multiple attempts to get your press release through. Faxes could only be sent one at a time. You could punch in several fax numbers, but they’d be delivered sequentially and not simultaneously.

Think about that, for a moment.

You, literally—and I mean literally–experienced the sensation of your pitch colliding and competing for bandwidth with other pitches. The idea that your pitch was one of hundreds being sent to an outlet or reporter was not just a concept. It was something you actually heard and saw.

Anyhow, damn. Those days could be a real grind. Some labor-intensive, inglorious work. Like walking uphill both ways to and from school. But it was just what you had to do so you did it.

So, here’s my point: While the tools may have changed, I honestly do not think that the fundamentals have.

PR still requires an awful lot of legwork to do right and over the past quarter century, I have found that there is no substitute for that hard work—particularly as you are starting out. Generating a Twitter following, mastering Facebook’s algorithm, researching blogs for your thought leadership project—it’s a different grind, but to succeed you’ve got to do the work.


The practices I learned in the early 90s as an entry-level Gen Xer gave me sound fundamentals. It was a methodical process—detailed, diligent and it kept you close to your media contacts. You worked hard to find each contact and cultivate it. You knew the value of each contact and sent your pitches out into the world with each recipient in mind.

If I wanted to target my client for a radio interview, I had to listen to that radio show. If I wanted a trade or consumer magazine to feature my client’s project, I had to read the magazine. There was no website to consult or Google to search.

You had to be dialed into your media list, totally aware of who each contact was and why the hell they’d want to do a story on your news. I think this is one of those basics that has been lost in the race to automate our work, and it is the bane of the remaining working journalists who are inundated with off-topic email pitches. It’s also the bane of PR professionals who know that it takes time to do this job right but get pressure from clients who think PR is just distributing press releases to massive lists.

What Can You Do Today for Maximum Career Growth & Success?

What would happen to your pitching skills and PR instincts if you adopted these old school practices. What if you voraciously consumed the very same media you were expected to earn coverage in? What if you approached every single media contact on your media list like a wedding guest—knowing their background, your relationship to them, whether they’d want the ribeye or the vegetarian option and who they’d want to sit with?

I tell you what. You’d be successful. You’d be a rock star.

In today’s environment of cheap, plentiful and immediate information, taking pains to research and document each entry in your media list probably makes you feel like you’re doing it wrong.

Stifle that impulse. Take the time. If you have a passion for communications and telling great stories, then focus on your fundamentals. Do what might feel like drudgery. It’s called paying your dues. We all did it. If we wanted it, then we did it.

So if that’s you, don’t miss the opportunity to shine because it looks like hard work.

Put that extra care and attention into your work. Invest extra time in your day for attending a webinar to build your knowledge. Spend a little extra time every day reading up on your industry and talking to the more experienced people on your team about what you’re learning to get their take and advice.

And for god’s sake, show up. Network with journalists, other PR professionals, peers and business leaders. Volunteer on a committee so you can practice your leadership skills outside of the office to get more confident contributing during team and client meetings.

It may sound old-timey but work hard, pay your dues, take chances with your new knowledge and you will get noticed and rise quickly. I assure you, don’t be afraid to do these things for you will have one of the most exhilarating and rewarding careers imaginable.